Stanard Testing Products
Promotional & Prehire Exams
Entry Level Officer and Dispatcher Testing
First and Second Line Supervisor Testing
The Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police has partnered with Stanard and Associates, a national firm specializing in public safety testing and related services. We selected Stanard after researching their products, comparing others, and receiving only positive feedback from our members who used their products in the past.
As a Stanard partner, AACOP is the exclusive representative in Alaska for their services and materials. Tests are ordered through AACOP, but shipped directly from Chicago to the agency requesting them. Invoicing is done by AACOP. Unused tests can be returned for full credit.

The National Dispatcher Selection Test (NDST)
As the first point of contact in an emergency, dispatchers play a critical role in keeping the public safe, as well as responding law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical personnel. Selecting the best person for such a demanding position requires more than an interview and background check. It requires a reliable, validated measurement tool that will ensure the person you select possesses the important skills required to perform effectively as a dispatcher. Stanard & Associates’ National Dispatcher Selection Test (NDST) gives call centers the ability to objectively assess a candidate’s skill level in five important areas: Reading Comprehension, Listening, Problem Solving, Prioritizing, and Multi-Tasking.
Personality and Psychological Assessments
Since 1976, Stanard & Associates has conducted thousands of personality or psychological assessments of candidates for public safety positions. We provide clients with a range of services – all designed to help decision-makers ensure they have the right people for the job. An agency’s assessment needs typically fall into one or more categories, each with a defined objective. Our psychologists work directly with clients to ensure the assessment process is tailored to meet an agency’s needs.

The National Detective | Investigator Test (NDIT)
The National Detective/Investigator Test (NDIT) is similar to The National First & Second Line Supervisor Tests, but is intended for agencies that are looking to select/assign officers to the rank of Detective or Investigator. The NDIT is a 75-question, content-valid, written exam derived from three textbooks covering the topics of Criminal Investigations, Major Court Cases and Investigative Interviewing. A study guide will be required for each candidate that will provide a detailed breakdown of the Areas of Measurement (i.e., a listing of the chapters or sections from each book that candidates should study for the exam).

The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST)
The National Police Officer Selection Test (POST) is an entry-level basic skills test that helps law enforcement agencies select the most qualified applicants by ensuring that candidates possess the basic cognitive skills necessary to successfully perform the job. The POST is a valid, job-related test designed specifically for law enforcement use, which measures these basic skills: Arithmetic, Reading Comprehension, Grammar and Incident Report Writing. Increase your department’s hiring efficiency by using the POST to ensure candidates possess the fundamental skills to succeed in training and on the job.