April 11, 2022
The Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police would like to express its support to the efforts of the Alaska Police Officers Association and the Public Safety Coalition in the Fairbanks, North Pole area to build the Interior Training Facility. This endeavor is critical to the proper training in firearms and driver training for emergency personnel across the interior of Alaska.
Our Board of Directors would like Governor Dunleavy and the Alaska Legislators to know that the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police supports the funding of this project without delay. This project will meet the basic training needs of the interior law enforcement and fire personnel for decades to come. This training facility will help local, state, and federal employees and will become a magnet facility to train others from around the state.
Having a place to conduct safe firearms training is essential to a prepared, professional, and trained police force. The driver training portion of this facility is also necessary to help EMS, Fire, and police departments conduct vital emergency vehicle driver training. Please understand this facility will support over 500 emergency personnel in essential job training, and it should be a critical part of our statewide infrastructure plans.
We appreciate your support and encourage the State of Alaska to support this project this year as this project will take time to design and build.
With Sincere Regards,
Ed Mercer
Vice President, AACOP
Chief of Police, Juneau Police Department