February 14, 2022
Senator Jesse Kiehl
State Capitol Room 419
Juneau AK, 99801
RE: SB115, Address Confidentiality Program
Senator Kiehl,
The Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police is a statewide organization that represents Police Chiefs across the state of Alaska on matters that affect law enforcement. Our board of directors consists of nine Police Chiefs and public safety leaders from all over Alaska. We pride ourselves on staying engaged in state affairs in order to lend our professional insight into the development of policy and legislative matters
that affect our communities and citizens.
On behalf of the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police, I would like to lend our support for SB115, a bill supporting the confidentiality program to further protect survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, as well as protect peace officers and correctional officers and their families. Under SB115, the state would protect the confidential information of public safety professionals in order to help maintain their safety.
These proposed changes in SB115 will help ensure confidentiality of the addresses of critical public safety personnel to reduce the risk of being targeted by bad actors, a disturbing action seen more frequently in the lower 48. We are thankful for your support of this bill and would like to offer our support behind you in this effort.
If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (907)488-6902 or email us at AACOP@AACOP.ORG.
Thank you for your time.
Chief Steve Dutra
President, Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police